There is also talk of setting up Antioch at our local parish of Mitcham, so we might be getting involved in that as well. Probably not on a hugely committeed basis, though, as the meetings tend to be on Sunday nights which clash with Volleyball. It is heading towards 11pm and I need a shower before I hit the hay, so I’m out of here..
Tennis & joining the committee??
Just got back from Tennis, we had a bit of an up and down night. Overall we lost by 4, which was fairly close. My personal score was +9. At the same time I think I’ve decided to join the Tennis Club Committee as the maintenance person. I hate it when people whinge about things but don’t do anything and there have been a few times when I have wanted to have a whinge about how things are at the club, so it is time to put up or shut up. Committee meetings are Thursday nights (3rd Thur of the month) which is a bit of a pain because of Volleyball, but I’ll manage somehow.
Computers & Japan
I’ve been spending a bit of time building up another machine to put in the lounge room. I was thinking of using it to play CD’s and DVD’s, but I am having trouble justifying $150 for another Video card that will do TV out and $150 for another DVD drive when I can buy a real DVD player for $350. If nothing else it will be good to have a machine in the lounge to look up the TV guide. If only I had some friends who wanted to come around, I now have threee machines that will play Unreal Tournament. Also our Exchange teacher has arrived from Japan. It turns out I had guessed correctly and she is the English teacher, so language is no problem at all. I’ve never travelled, so I thought I should at least find out a bit about Japan. I did find this site which had some interesting information, but it was also interesting to do some comparisons with home. Japan is about the size of my home state of Victoria, but it has a population of about 125 million people. There are only about 19 million people in the whole of Australia. It almost makes me feel claustrophobic, just thinking about all those people. I’m also pondering the idea of putting up a site about sound to store al those little factiods that I keep needing and as an excuse to do a bit of research and find stuff out. Link soon.
Musical Over & Changes at Work
Another busy week. The musical is over and hopefully things will settle down a little. I don’t seem to have been home for more than a couple of hours at a time for weeks. There are some big changes going on at work with our parent company ceasing trading, (We will be moved elsewhere, coz we make a profit!) PC Magazine Australia, who is currently one of our largest clients, is also undergoing some change in the direction of thier magazine, which we will hopefully get some input in. anyway, time to go..
Tennis last night was a bit of a disapointment. We went down over all by 7 after going into the last 2 sets 4 games up. I finished the night +1 while Bernie was -5 after losing the first two sets in tie-breakers.
Web Servers are Done
The Web Server report is done!! Now I can get on with all the other things I’ve got to do..
Tonight we got flogged in out netball game, but that wasn’t too bad as it will probably keep us in the grade we should be in. Now I’m tired, and I’m going to bed..
Those darn servers kept me busy all week, and now it’s Sunday night again and I haven’t blogged at all. Exiting things for the week: Friday & Saturday night I helped out with the Mt Lilydale school musical, Viva Mexico.
Tennis – New Season
First Tennis for the season. We did really well with the team up by 5. I was +9 and Bernie was +1. I’m still busy with the servers, so I’d better go…
Well, spent half the weekend without Hot Water.. Something happened to the time clock when they were upgrading the switchboard and the water was not heating.