
Putting the house on the market.

Okay, We’ve finally decided it is time to move. This house is too small for our current needs, so it is time to sell up and find a place with more space, and preferably a seperate office from which I can run GeekZone and Talkin’ Tech


Too much time at the computer????

I happened to glance at a picture up on the wall in the staff room at one of my schools the other day, and my first thought was gee, that’s pixelated”. I looked back aagain a second later and realised my mistake…

It was a tapestry….


Rolling & Blowing Kisses

Rebecca has started rolling over a lot more frequently now, in fact when Bern tried to give her some Tummy Time the other day, Bec rolled staright onto her back. Bern then put her back on her tummy and this all happenend 4 more time. Bern eventually got the hint…

The other new thing is blowing kisses. I blow a kiss into her room every time I walk past her door, as well as at other times, and she has started doing the same thing. I thought it might be an accident at first, but she actually does it in response to me blowing her kisses. She’s so cute..


IT Howto has a bunch of useful links for speeding up windows clients on a network


Rebecca Rolls Over

Rebecca rolled over for the first time the other day (actually it was nearly two weeks ago, on her 3 month Birthday”) but I missed it (I was in the room but had my back to her). I’ve held off posting hoping that she would do it again, but she hasn’t. It wont be too much longer though and we’ll be chasing her around the house.


04 – Made to last forever

Point to Ponder:
There is more to life than just here and now.

Verse to Remember
This world is fading away, along with everything it craves. But if you do the will of God, you will live forever. 1 John 2:17

Question to Consider:
Since I was made to last forever, what is the one thing I should stop doing and the one things I should start doing today?


02 – You are not an accident

Point to Ponder:
I am not an accident.

Verse to Remember
I am your Creator. You were in my care even before you were born. Isaiah 44:2

Question to Consider:
Knowing that God uniquely created me, what areas of my personality, background, and physical appearance am I struggling to accept?
I feel I generally accept myself for who I am, though I may spend a little too much time reflecting on what it is in life that has shaped me to be the me I am today.. 🙂
In fact, if I have a problem in this area, it is more likely to be a lack of care for my physical appearance. Other than the fact that it would be really great if I toned up and lost a kilo or two, I do have a tendancy to be a bit of a sloppy dresser, and several people noted that the Baptism was the first time they had seen me in a Shirt and Tie for a while, but I have to confess that I simply don’t find dressing “up” to be that important, as long as I look fairly neat and presentable. I do look presentable most of the time, don’t I??


Rebeccas Baptism

Yesterday Rebecca was baptised into the church at a beautiful ceremony at St John’s in Mitcham. We had dozens of friends and Family present, and many more joined us for a celebratory lunch at home afterwards.

Huge thankyous to Jen & Graham and Daniel as Godparents. We think you are really special people and know you will be a really wonderful influence in Bec’s life. Other people to thank include Brendan (sausages), Marie (cake), Chris & Lisa (cooking the BBQ) Mon, Jase, Tam, Dan, Chris, Lisa, Jeanette, Julie, Paul, Nette & Rachael (Setup, Bread, Salads and Desserts) and anyone else I’ve forgotten.

It was great to see everyone there. If we didn’t get a chance to catch up with you on the day, we will soon, we promise.


01 – It all starts with God

Point to Ponder:
It’s not about me

Verse to Remember
Everything got started in him and finds it’s pupose in him. Colossians 1:16b

Question to Consider:
In spite of all the advertising around me, how can I remind myself that life is really about living for God, not myself?
I believe I need to surround myself with people who have and express a real faith in God. Many of the people in my life, and pretty much all the ones I’m closest to are like this. I also need to setup visual cues to remind me, much like the advertising billboards are designed to do. What I listen to is also important. In this time of war, it is easy to get sucked into listening to news all the time, but the relaxed atmosphere of a Christian radio station provides extra spiritual food that I need whole still keeping me informed about what is happening in the world.


Rebecca Weigh in

Rebecca was weighed again today (27/3) and she came in at a whopping 4740g or 10lb 7.5oz. From such tiny begingings she is now really thriving, to the point where she now has a double chin, and when she dribbles milk out of her bottle, it’s really hard to mop up. The fact that she has such a strong neck means she keeps her head where she wants it, and doesn’t just move it at the slightest push from the mop up cloth like she used to.
She is now 54cm long and starting to get a bit of hair.