43 secs

CSI: Zoom in, Enhance!

You see it all the time on these CSI type shows, zoom in on the glasses and enhance it to see the reflection.

It’s real. Sort of. We had this photo taken recently by our friend Luke from Luke Munro Photography, and I noticed a slight reflection on the lens.

CSI Time 1So I zoomed in on the lens of Bernie’s glasses and did an simple “Auto-Level” in Paint.NET.

CSI Time 2Not only can you see Luke with his camera on the right, but also the couple who had been on the beach and were nice enough to move for the photo.

You won’t be able to identify them in any way, and this is a 10Mb high resolution shot taken with a Canon EOD 5D Mark II. It’s not going to happen with an iPhone photo or a surveillance camera, but I think it’s pretty cool!

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